Which one is Elizabeth

Which one is Elizabeth

In the accompanying combination photo Elizabeth Crowe Goddeau has been identified in the two images on the right and as the woman on the right of the bottom left image.  In those images she is about 25 years old (the top right was her wedding photograph, to Henry...
Uncle Bub

Uncle Bub

I was extremely lucky growing up.  I had three families, not two, to be a part of.  I had the usual mother’s family and father’s family, but also my sister’s other family, that of her mother Dorothy Adams Goddeau.  (You’ll note that whenever I refer to Pat, it’s as my...
4th of July in Pittsfield

4th of July in Pittsfield

Great memories!  Every 4th of July we would pack everyone into my dad’s two-tone green 1947 Chevy coupe, sometimes with a picnic lunch, and head “over the mountain” to Pittsfield for the day’s festivities. We’d go to Gramp’s house...
Harry’s Visitors

Harry’s Visitors

Not really a memory, but this bit was found in the Bennington Banner edition of 18 Jun 1923.  Bennington is about 34 miles north of Pittsfield.  Apparently this group jumped in a car (probably Al’s) and took a Sunday afternoon drive to Bennington to visit Harry...