Uncle Bub

Uncle Bub

I was extremely lucky growing up.  I had three families, not two, to be a part of.  I had the usual mother’s family and father’s family, but also my sister’s other family, that of her mother Dorothy Adams Goddeau.  (You’ll note that whenever I refer to Pat, it’s as my...
4th of July in Pittsfield

4th of July in Pittsfield

Great memories!  Every 4th of July we would pack everyone into my dad’s two-tone green 1947 Chevy coupe, sometimes with a picnic lunch, and head “over the mountain” to Pittsfield for the day’s festivities. We’d go to Gramp’s house...
Larry – The Leather Jacket

Larry – The Leather Jacket

It seems like there was always a heavy black leather jacket in our closet.  When I was big enough, I thought it was really cool to wear out on cold days.  It wasn’t until years later that I found a picture of my father, looking cool, as a young man  in that same...