In the future, hopefully, this will become a more user-friendly Guestbook or Forum page so that family members can converse on the site.  In the meantime we’ll have to use the comments function below to provide input and generate discussion about the Goddeau Family.

Click the REPLY button to respond to an existing comment or reply.

If you want to start a new string, ENTER and SUBMIT a new comment at the bottom of the page.

Thanks for joining in.

1 Comment

  1. dongeej

    This is a place to start a family-oriented conversation or discussion. As a starter, what are your thoughts on this site? How can we make it more useful or user-friendly?

    Is this a good format to exchange and collect Goddeau Family photos and memories? Will it be used, or should we just use an informal email exchange?

    Any thoughts or comments will be appreciated. Thanks,



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