This page is the heart of the website, where family members can access all the available pictures and memories about each of the families of the children of Henry Goddeau.  The sections are organized by the following four main areas.  Left click on the title to go to the page 

(At the present time only the “Henry and Elizabeth” page is set up with some content).

Before Henry

This is a page of Photos, Memories, etc. of our Goddeau Family ancestors who came BEFORE Henry Goddeau.  These are folks like Louis (Godin) Goddeau and his wife, Lucy Menard, Henry’s mother and father; and Patrick and Catherine (Ryan) Crowe, Elizabeth Crowe’s mother and father.

Henry’s Generation.

This is a page of Photos, Memories, etc. of Henry, his siblings and his spouses. Since Henry is the centerpiece of this website, he and his spouses, Louise and Elizabeth will have a page dedicated to them.  Henry’s siblings, 13 in all!!, are another story — each of them could potentially have a family as big or bigger than Henry.  This will be a place to add what we have and know with little attempt to organize the information.

Henry and Louise

Henry’s “First” Family.  This is a page of Photos, Memories, etc. of the family of Henry and Louise Madrid and their children, Frank, Harry, and Mary (Marie) Elizabeth.

Henry and Elizabeth

Henry’s “Second” Family.  This is a page of Photos, Memories, etc. of the family of Henry and Elizabeth Crowe, his second wife, and their children, Louis, Alfred, Howard “Ray”, Lucy, and Lawrence.